Personal Coaching by
"Coaching for women by a woman"
Recapturing the Real You.
contact me today: email or call 314. 691. 2125
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personal coaching

I am here
to help you become
you were born to be.

helping women discover
the life they truly love
New Possibilities:
Offering alternative ways of looking at the problem and solutions.
A Plan:
Co-develops a plan of action with the client.
Develops and shares a solution to a problem or issue using proven methods and techniques.
Co-develops a personal and/or business strategy.
Delivers to clients expert information in the way of video links, documents and MP3 downloads.
Providing energy and support as needed.
Providing access and accountability through email, text messages, and weekly sessions.
Validation through encouragement and acknowledgement.
Communicates caring via listening, patience and a sense of safety/acceptance.
The coach provides advice via recommendations and suggestions.
Provides feedback via observations, insights, ideas and options.
I will consistently challenge the client to stretch in order to reach goals and make good decisions.
I help you get results, which is the reason why we work together.

"Coaching helps clients to think at a new level. Drawing on the skill of the coach, the client is able to propel herself through barriers which would otherwise stand in her way."
- Jackie Fokkens
understanding yourself
Are you a Highly Sensitive Individual?
You're a powerful, soulful person.
You bring depth, insight, and passion to your world.
You're intuitive, creative, and caring.
And you also struggle.
You soak up others' emotions like a sponge.
Life gets overwhelming and causes you to withdraw.
You over-think when you're stressed;
you just can't let go.
You often don't feel seen or understood.
You're not alone.

Being a Highly Sensitive Person brings gifts and challenges, and this is a place to get support so that you can start to celebrate yourself.